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Welcome to

Teaching Wonders Child Learning Center

Play. Learn. Grow. 


We work closely with your family to develop an approach that is consistent with your family’s routine to ease the transition from home to school. Our littlest learners (1 month-15 months) are offered both individual and group lessons to stimulate brain development and build core skills essential to self-discovery and empathy.


Toddlers (15 months- 2.9 Years old) are growing and learning every minute of their day, so we try to channel their energy into positive learning moments. We do this  by giving them the environment to move and explore. Our toddler teachers toddlers encouragement and offer guidance toward the growth of their physical skills and emerging milestones.


Our Preschool program (2.9 years old -3.9 years old) is a crucial stop on this precious journey towards future academic success. Active, hands-on, age appropriate curriculum are key school readiness skills. Our Preschool program is centered on:

  • Encouraging independence skills

  • Peer collaboration and communication skills

  • Age appropriate, active learning

  • Literacy and number concepts



Our final classroom adventure is our Pre-K program (3.9 years to 6 years old). This is that all-important year before Kindergarten.  Our age appropriate curriculum is a combination of Pre kindergarten skills as well as the hand-on learning. Again each child develops at his or her own pace and is encouraged to reach whatever goal is set for them. Children leave Pre-K ready to tackle whatever challenges come their way.

Our Approach

At Teaching Wonders Child Learning Center we are proud of our commitment to excellence in early education since 2005.  Serving the Worcester County community for over 14 years! Our main goal is to prepare our young learners for a successful educational journey. Our curriculum is developed to best prepare your child for an easy and successful transition from early learning to Kindergarten.

Our curriculum is both nurturing and stimulating at every age level,  where your child feels comfortable and can easily engage in the age appropriate curriculum.  We look forward to sharing your families early journey to a lifelong love of learning! 

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